What are Oxfordshire HR professionals’ top 3 people priorities? Read the results of our HR Hub poll in November 2024

Most of the Oxfordshire-based HR professionals who attended Allen Associates HR Hub in November 2024 develop future-facing workforce strategies, with the majority (44%) looking 2-3 years ahead.
According to our poll, their top three people priorities over the next three years are employee engagement (59%), talent acquisition and retention (54%), and organisational culture (44%).
Read on for a deeper dive into the results of our latest HR poll and see how you and your organisation compare.
Poll results
How far into the future do you think ahead on (people/ workforce) strategy?
8% We don’t develop a future strategy
37% Annually
44% Between 2-3 years
10% We do 5-year strategies
2% We do 10-year strategies
0% We develop strategies for 10 and more years into the future
What are your top 3 people priorities in your organisation for the next 3 years?
54% Talent acquisition and retention
59% Employee engagement
10% Making flexible working work well
27% Diversity Equity/ Equality & Inclusion
24% Skills development
22% Technology integration
19% Employee health and well-being
21% Performance management
44% Organisational culture
10% Compliance and legal issues
32% Leadership development
What are the top 3 urgent areas in your HRM department?
52% Recruitment and Onboarding
41% Employee Relations
19% Payroll and Benefits Administration
40% Performance Management
44% Training and Development
11% Compliance
16% HR Analytics
8% Health and Safety
51% Employee Engagement
11% Administrative Tasks
What are your professional priorities in the next three years?
21% Find a job with another employer
16% Move from HRM generalist to a specialism
44% Upskill with professional or academic qualifications
40% Transform the HRM to evidence-based management using data and analytics
24% Upskill and re-structure the HRM function
Sign up for our HR Hubs
Why not join Allen Associates HR Hubs which take place via Zoom and feature a wide range of interesting guest speakers? These events are aimed at Oxfordshire-based employers and HR decision-makers and are free to attend. More details are available via our HR Hub information page and you can contact Kate Allen for a more personalised discussion.
To read the poll results from previous HR Hubs or blogs by our guest speakers, please visit our Knowledge Centre.